Posts by Steve Mathes

How Much Gold Has Been Mined?

That’s a complicated question. The exact amount of previously mined gold is disputed for two reasons:  Because of how much gold has been used in the course of history.  Because of uncertainty around how much gold has yet to be discovered.  According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), around 244,000 metric tons of gold have been discovered. Nearly 187,000 metric tons have historically been produced, with an additional 57,000 metric tons in underground reserves.  As a natural resource, gold’s value is largely determined by... Continue Reading

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What Is Bullion?

Is it the big geometric shaped gold bars we’ve seen stacked in a James Bond movie? Is it pirate ship gold fished from a shipwreck at the bottom of the ocean? Gold bullion is physical gold—typically gold bars and coins—with a minimum purity of 99.5% for gold bars and typically no less than 90% purity for gold coins. Investors normally seek gold bullion because of its ability to:  Store value Diversify a portfolio Serve as an inflation hedge Provide a safety net as a safe... Continue Reading

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Silver vs. Platinum: Which Is the Better Investment?

Silver and platinum are alike in many ways.  Similar in appearance, both metals have weaved their way into our everyday lives. You may not realize it, but the properties of silver and platinum make something you use today.  But investing isn’t a popularity contest. You must know the ins, outs, and arounds of silver and platinum to choose the best investment for you. We will look at both metals, what they offer, and their drawbacks.     What Is Silver?  Silver is a shiny, gray-white precious... Continue Reading

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Palladium vs. Gold: Which Is the Better Investment?

David vs. Goliath. Ali vs. Foreman. USA hockey vs. Russia.  Sometimes, what seems to be a mismatch turns out to be a fair fight.  Such is the case with palladium vs. gold.  Palladium, gold’s lesser known precious metals cousin, has had plenty of time to shine. But how does it compare to gold as an investment? This guide will look at both metals. We will delve into their histories, past performance, and current performance.  Our goal is to help you make a good decision. Let’s... Continue Reading

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Platinum vs. Gold

We shouldn’t have to ask, “Is gold or platinum better for my portfolio?” Both precious metals have a place. They sometimes share a purpose.  But understanding their differences is key. This guide will explain the usefulness and drawbacks of each metal.   Luckily, both will serve you well. In the long run, you probably can’t go wrong with either a platinum or gold investment.  Let’s take a look. Investing in Gold  Physical gold has been a currency and a store of value since the times of... Continue Reading

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What is IRA-Eligible Gold?

IRA-eligible gold is physical gold minted as coins or bars that have been approved by the IRS and deemed investment grade. The IRS allows only these specific metals in a Gold IRA.  The IRS has strict guidelines regarding the types of metals you can have in an IRA. These guidelines help keep your long-term retirement funds safe and secure. To be considered for storage in an individual retirement account, gold or other eligible precious metals must meet benchmarks for the following standards:  Quality  Purity  Condition ... Continue Reading

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Will Digital Currency Replace Paper Money?

Cash is king. But its reign may be coming to an end.  The internet changed the world. And now digital currency is changing how we function in that world.  Pretty soon, running errands will be a thing of the past. Standing in line at a bank? No way! Paying bills in person? Why?  And that trip to the mall? Not when you can go online, virtually see how items fit, press a button, and have them show up at your door.  To many, the question... Continue Reading

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What Is a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)?

Central bank digital currency (CBDC) is a digital-based version of money, backed and distributed by a nation’s central bank.  Central banks around the world, including in the U.S., are looking at the future of money and monetary transactions with CBDC in mind. Many countries are exploring banking alternatives such as central bank digital currency with the aim of: – Expanding access to funds – Providing safety and security – Allowing cost-effective cross-border transactions Several small countries—mostly in the Caribbean— have already implemented CBDC. Large nations... Continue Reading

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How Are Precious Metals Similar to Gems?

Harvested from deep inside the earth, both precious metals and gems have existed in tandem for as long as we’ve been able to extract them.  So, how are precious metals similar to gems? These elemental cousins share many properties that have made them valuable throughout history.  Mother Nature’s gifts have not only adorned the necks and wrists of royalty, both have been used to help innovate technology and advance mankind.  In our modern world, we still look to gems and precious metals for their beauty,... Continue Reading

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5 Reasons Why You Should Buy Silver

We live in uncertain times. Information is available in amounts unseen in history. One source might say go, while another says stop.  Whom do you believe? What can you trust? Making that determination seems tougher than ever.  As a result, many suffer from paralysis by analysis—what some refer to as thinking too much. Getting stuck in the maze and not knowing which way to turn typically leads to turning in circles and going nowhere at all. You need clear facts to make clear decisions. Thriving... Continue Reading

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